Monday 5 July 2010

Why Cooper Should have run: Women matter

With Ed Miliband just being announced leader of the Labour party I can't help thinking that not having a more credible woman candidate than Diane Abbott was a loss. Churlish some may say to suggest, but there you go.

It is a real shame Yvette Cooper didnt run. Intelligent and bright, she would have been a real asset. Especially if women will be at the forefront of the Con-Dem cuts.

Good luck to Ed Miliband. He will need it. But LBR urges caution. Nobody voted Tory at the last election to see a more left wing Labour party.


  1. Forget the date on this post - I started drafting on the 5th July, but published this on the 25th September.

  2. "intelligent and bright " ...

    yeah , home information packs.

  3. Anon - even if one was to accept that, balanced that against her academic record;
    Studied at Oxford, Harvard and the LSE.

    Intelligent and bright still stands up.
