Wednesday 23 June 2010

"The Killing Jar" by Nicola Monaghan

This highly recommended novel is about the coming of age of a girl, Kerrie-Ann, that is surrounded by drugs. The first comment to make is that is very well written. The author captures the tone of voice of the protagonist by subtly changing that tone as she grows older.

It is a short book, just shy of 300 pages, and a gripping page turner with a wonderful turn of phrase. “He was good looking, Phil, and he knew it. Had the kind of eyes what hit you in the clit” being this reviewer's favorite.

A fascinating discussion would be whether this piece of fiction suggests the criminalisation of drug use does more harm than good. Thankfully Monaghan allows the reader to ponder this issue for themselves. This is Monaghan's first novel, and she deserves a lot of credit. This book gets 4/5.

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